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Church Membership
Becoming a member of the church is both an exciting and wonderful privilege, and also a big step in the journey of faith for the worshipper.
The Church of the Nazarene asserts that membership involves a representation of the following:
An expression of faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior
A covenant relationship between the member and the church​
A sense of identity with the Church of the Nazarene and the doctrine of holiness
A place to offer and carry out one's service to God
The right and responsibility to vote on matters of church business
The potential to serve in the leadership of the church through the church board or to hold another church office
The potential to serve on district and general boards, committees, and conventions
On the whole, the commitment to membership signifies a "buy in", in which the member is on board with the mission and vision of the church, and seeks to represent that commitment in service and representation of the church. There is accountability that comes with being a member, and it should not be entered into lightly - but it is also an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling part of being part of the body of Christ.
If you're interested in becoming a member and "buying in" to the mission and vision of F1Naz, speak with Pastor Mark.
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